
Monday, May 23, 2022

​​I am still blogging…

I am still blogging...but I've moved.

Click here to visit my new blog and see the next stage of my learning journey.

Comments are closed on this blog.  Please comment on my new blog.

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Kid's in Space

 This term we are learning about space. On Monday we went to Kids in Space. Kids in Space is a program that came to our school.We got to dressed up as an astronaut. I wore a white suit. here is a photo of our class in our suits. 

We learnt how to eat in space they dry up food then they get to space they put water.we made a flip-book about the moon phases. did you know that that there are 8 phases of the moon. we also made a straw rocket. here is a link to instructions for making your own rocket. 

Do you know a lot of staff about space??

Thank you so much for reading my blog. 

Tuesday, July 6, 2021


 For the past 3 days my group and I have been learning about one culture. The culture that we chose is Spanish. We've done heaps of research on the topic, we researched about their traditional kai (food), traditional holidays, their games, clothing, and their beliefs and values. Some of the information that I got was that the most traditional game in spain is bullfighting

We had a google slides where we put all our information in one slide each like traditional food, clothing, etc. The slide I did was food here is the link to the slides link.

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Te waka tiwai

Today we researched a waka named waka tiwai, I went to mindful movers so I didn't get the first part. But after we got back we were given 6 questions, we created a document and wrote our information in 2 blocks.  The information we were supposed to get was something like, the names it was given over the years, what it was used for, etc. My group nominated me to make slides so we could put the pictures of the tools, the waka in the olden days, and the materials. After lots of hard work we then realised that those 2 blocks were only preparing us to made a poster of the waka we were assigned, so then we were given a piece of paper to draw our plan in less then a block then we were given our big paper to actually do our big poster. We were barely halfway finished when we had to write this blog.

Thanks for reading my blog.

link to work

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Amahri Arotaki mo Tāku Tau

Thesis are my goals for next year link this is a link to show you my mihi and what page there slide there on. 

this is a photos of my goal slide 

In class we have been reflecting on our year. I looked at the goals I set at the beginning of the year. Then I  had to  think about whether I have achieved my goals or not. My goal was. Te reo   

 I have increased my Te reo by adding stuff on my pepha l I’m on level four but I’m a bit shy to say it. That’s why I still do my level 3 mihimihi.

I also reflected on my favorite and least favorite mahi check out my reflected slides.

do you want to set a goal for you?


Monday, December 7, 2020

my picture vs real picture

 i chose a picture named roses it was made in (1890) and was made by  vincent van gogh 

the bright one is mine  the dark is vincent van gogh  i want a bright one because i want a happy playful look.

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Awesome book clubs

A Book Club 


Theirs booklets  and theirs jobs for you to do  so i will demonstrate 
publicist the book your reading
for publicist you need to ask the group what their best paragraphs then you vote on winch one use want to 

heirs tickets that you need to fill out on it theirs figurative language, favorite paragraph, vocabulary, favorite part and discussion seed
this is my favorite part 
I've had a horrible day. First it was blowing like a hurricane sand dust blew in my face all the way up the track.
the book i'm  reading is called Gum digger


This is my book and its really good so far it made by  Keith Bettie  in North land. .
 have you read this book?
thank you for reading my blog.